The club for Ultimate fun
The Ultimate Frisbee club at BVNW connects students in a non-competitive athletic setting.
Unlike other clubs, the Ultimate Frisbee club brings aspects from several different sports into one activity for BVNW students. Ultimate Frisbee is a high cardio workout that meshes together components from sports including soccer, rugby and football. BVNW para professional Jacob Macek, the club’s sponsor, said that Ultimate Frisbee is a good activity to get involved with because of its nontraditional characteristics.
“[For the] students that aren’t really into [traditional sports], it gives them an alternative,” Macek said. “I played Ultimate in college and it’s a really nice thing to do and to get kids involved with.”
Sophomore Rajat Kodira, one of the co-captains of the club’s team, said people should get involved with the club because it is a great way to get connected with students at school.
“People should get involved with Ultimate Frisbee because not only is it a fun sport, it’s also a great way to get outside,” Kodira said. “It’s a great way to hang out with friends and to have fun.”
Senior Regan Goetsch, the other co-captain, said that the club is not as competitive as other people may think it to be.
“It’s just a thing people do after school just for fun,” Goetsch said. “We meet up and play and if there’s not many people [there], we just do whatever we want.”
The club practices on Wednesday and Friday each week, and also tries to get together on the weekends to play extra games. Each weekday practice lasts from an hour to an hour and a half. To attend practice, no specific equipment or uniform is needed. Frisbees are readily available and whatever clothing is comfortable and appropriate is acceptable to practice in. Footwear is not required, but tennis shoes or cleats are strongly suggested by Macek.
According to Kodira, the time commitment is not very big because attendance at every practice is not mandatory. Kodira also said that he hopes other schools in the area will create Ultimate Frisbee clubs so that members can play with students from other schools.
“[Ultimate Frisbee] is one of those sports that when people first see it being played, they’re like ‘Oh this looks dumb,’” Macek said. But it’s really a fun sport to play and once you give it a try, it gets you hooked.”

Senior Claudia Chen was a writer and reporter for one year, the social media manager for one year and is now the chief writer for The Express and She is also involved in FBLA, DECA, Spanish Honor Society, Math Honor Society, NHS, Quill and Scroll National Honor Society for High School Journalists and various other clubs she attends sporadically. She likes dancing, sending chain text messages, using Spotify, making terrible jokes, drinking coffee and getting rides from other people because she hates driving. Her favorite aspect of newspaper is getting to meet new people and getting to listen to their stories.