Bell yes

Xicret Menu's, Xiqing Wang

Rated 2.5/5 Emma Watson Belles

Apparently Taco Bell is getting fancy on us, because they now serve Iced Vanilla Coffee. So now, I’m firing back at this multimillion dollar company (because they’ll definitely care) by upping the ante on my rating scale. Bye, bye, Disney Belle. It’s all about Her(mione). And by Her, I mean Emma Watson.

The other day, I went through the drivethru, per usual, planning to order a Mountain Dew Baja Blast Freeze and noticed their drink menu had changed to include iced caffeine. For less than $2.

This was something I felt like I could get behind, so being the impulsive, angsty teen that I am, I ordered this new Iced Vanilla Coffee.

Granted, the coffee is terrible (LOL). It’s so sweet that it’s more of a dessert drink than anything. The vanilla tastes as fake as my voice inflections while working in customer service. The coffee was really watered down.

If you can drink about half of a latte from Starbucks, for reference, without getting jittery and wanting to run miles to return to a non-hyperactive state, and are looking for a pick-me-up post-”a horribly tiring day at school,” this drink will do nothing for you. However, I will say that since my caffeine tolerance is close to nonexistent, I did feel more alert (albeit only slightly) after drinking the whole cup.

The price is pretty, and the drink isn’t bad if you’re craving something sweet. Just save your money if you’re looking for a jolt of energy.

This wasn’t Taco Bell’s finest moment, but honestly, have I invested far too much money on their culinary masterpieces and will I continue to do so? The answer to that is a resounding, “Bell yes.”