REbeL Be Thankful Week

Madison Graves, Writer

This week, with Thanksgiving just around the corner, BVNW’s REbeL is hosting Be Thankful Week. Each day represents a different way to show appreciation for the things students have and the people in their life.

“Be Thankful Week is a week that we do at Northwest to spread REbeL’s message to the school,” junior member Cara Lunsford said. “It’s to bring positivity and thankfulness through the school.”

Monday, students wrote notes to their friends during lunch, telling them what they appreciated about them. On Tuesday, students could write appreciative messages on whiteboards and have their picture taken. Today, Wednesday, the REbeL group is handing out Compliment Cookies to people who take a picture with their whiteboard message. Thursday, hip-hop classes will be held in the atrium after school. A teacher breakfast will be held on Friday to show students’ appreciation for the staff.

“It’s just a good week for Northwest to appreciate everyone and just remember how lucky we all are, and how thankful we should be for all the things we have and all the people we know,” Lunsford said. “It’s just a good way to be positive.”

REbeL’s purpose in the school is to promote positive body images and healthy eating, Lunsford said. They also hope to promote self-importance and show that everybody is beautiful in their own way.

“Be Thankful Week gives a chance for students to show appreciation to their friends,” junior member Talia DellaMarco said. “They get to be thankful for what they have.”

The next event REbeL will hold, previously called “Fat-Talk Free Week,” will be held the week before Spring Break to promote individual body images. This is a week dedicated to be confident with your body, Lunsford said.