Family is forever, but sometimes far away

Siblings are more than just people to fight with on road trips.


I have six siblings. Being the oldest, I’ve had the opportunity to watch most of them grow from gross parasites to cute toddlers to awkward prepubescent children. As anyone with siblings can attest, having them definitely has its ups and downs.

Now, my family situation differs from the norm. My parents are divorced, I live with two siblings, and I haven’t seen two of my sisters in approximately four years due to some custody issues.

Growing up in multiple living situations and being estranged from my sisters has definitely affected the way I perceive the world and how I act in certain situations. You don’t really think about how much your siblings affect your life. They live with you, or you often see them. Either way, you’re stuck with them. It’s easy to take them for granted, especially when you’re the oldest and they haven’t quite hit your maturity level yet.

My youngest brother is turning two at the end of this month. I’ve constantly struggled with my emotions concerning him because of how I lost contact with my other sisters, but I’m finding that as he gets older, things get easier. Although I’m definitely not the best with kids, I genuinely care about that little man.

Whether or not you have a good relationship with your family, siblings or otherwise, you have to remember that you won’t always have them around.