Senior Arpa Das gets ready to hit the ball in a golf tournament on Sept. 27. (Photo by Anna Shaughnessy)
Girls Golf
As the girl’s golf season is just right around the corner, new head coach Rob Meacham is excited for what the season is going to bring. According to Meacham, he hopes to make a positive impact on the girls’ golf program this year and help the team achieve their goals.
“I am just really glad to be doing this. I can already tell that it is going to be a fun season and I am really enjoying the chance to get the opportunity to coach [the] girls,” Meacham said.
According to senior Hannah Hulinsky who played on the team last year, the main goal for her this season is to place in EKL after subpar results last year.
“I hope we can win a tournament as a team and hopefully place in the EKL. I just hope that we can all do well as a team and most importantly have fun,” Hulinsky said.
The golf team has been working hard over the summer to be able to reach their goals for this year as stated by Meacham. They hope the head start will give them a better chance of having a successful season. The golf team practices four days a week working on a variety of different skills to help gear up for the season ahead.
“The girls are dedicated to playing the best golf they can and they work hard at practice,” Meacham said.
With the team’s first match coming up on Sept. 1, at the Heritage Park Golf Course, Hulinsky expresses how she is eagerly anticipating the season to start and being able to see the team grow throughout her time on the team.
“I am looking forward to seeing how everyone improves. Last year it was insane because we all started from different spots and we all improved insanely,” Hulinsky said. “With this year, all the different skill levels that we have I think it is going to be amazing. We are going to improve so much, we already have and I think that is what’s going to be cool.”