The official student media of Blue Valley Northwest High School

Fourth quarter update

November 27, 2021

Starting the fourth quarter with a 2nd & 6 on their own 13 yard line, the Huskies were looking to put together a scoring drive that could seal the game. However, Derby forced a strip sack on Pauley and took over at the Huskies’ 8 yard line. Edwards punched it on the next play to shorten the Huskies lead to 35-14.

The Panthers attempted an onside kick, but the Huskies managed to recover. Northwest put together a six-minute drive which resulted in a 14-yard rushing touchdown from junior running back Grant Stubblefield. The PAT was no good, but the Huskies extended their lead to 41-14.

The Panthers drove the length of the field, scoring a touchdown on a 10-yard rush, but it was too little too late as Northwest led 41-21 with 1:50 remaining in the game.

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About the Contributors
Photo of Jack Nitz
Jack Nitz, Sports Editor

Jack Nitz is a senior and the Sports Editor of “The Express.” Outside of newspaper he is the Senior Class President, the DECA treasurer, National Honor Society membership co-chair, and a member of Quill and Scroll Honor Society and Spanish National Honor Society. In his free time Jack enjoys spending time with friends, watching and playing sports and talking about Fantasy Football. Jack is looking forward to covering BVNW sports this year and hopes to improve on his leadership and writing skills this year.

Photo of Lindsey Farthing
Lindsey Farthing, Photo Editor

Lindsey Farthing is a senior and the 2021-2022 Photo Editor of “The Express.” Outside of newspaper she is a member of the BVNW softball and volleyball teams. She is also a part of Student Government, Mental Health Board, Quill and Scroll Honor Society, and National Honor Society. Whenever time allows, Lindsey enjoys making TikToks and working her part-time job at Cookies By Design. She loves listening to country music, hanging out with friends and watching her comfort show, “Grey’s Anatomy.” This year Lindsey hopes to help the younger photographers on staff learn a lot while also growing as a photographer herself.

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