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Behind the scenes
A custodian, bus driver and cafeteria worker walk through their daily schedule and routine.
About the Contributors

Hailey Heckman, Writer
Hailey Heckman is a first year writer for The Express. This is her sophomore year at BVNW and her first year on staff. She likes to be involved in costume crew for the school musicals and can’t wait to be a part of The Express staff this year! Outside of school, she enjoys playing volleyball, listening to music and spending time with friends and family. Hailey is very excited to be a part of The Express this school year and making her contribution to the publications.

Inaya Zaman, News Editor
Inaya Zaman is a Junior and the News Editor of The Express. This is her second year on staff. Along with being a part of the newspaper, Inaya is the Script Producer for Husky Headlines, a Project Manager for NEHS, in Spanish Honors Society Leadership, a Quill and Scroll member and is a member of KAY Club. In her free time she likes to read, hang out with friends, listen to music and bake. She is looking forward to expanding the reach of The Express another great year on staff!

Jordyn Johnson, Photographer
Jordyn Johnson is a junior and a photographer for The Express. This is her second year on staff. Outside of Newspaper, Jordyn finds herself managing for BVNW’s Wrestling program and BVNW’s JV softball team. She likes taking photos, hanging out with friends and late night drives to Dutch Bros.