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A visual depiction of the lack of school spirit at Northwest.
A visual depiction of the lack of school spirit at Northwest.
Avery Sigg

Staff Editorial: Show some spirit

School spirit in past years has been dismal, it is up to us to turn it around.

Northwest will not have a homecoming parade this year. A large portion of this decision could be attributed to the consistent lack of school spirit our student body has displayed in recent years. As a whole, we have made it clear to our administrators that we do not care about school loyalty, so they cannot be blamed for giving up on us. 

Since COVID-19, there have been noticeable differences in student involvement in school activities. Between reduced attendance to sports games, less spirit week participation and a lack of interest in skits and assembly games, we have truly distanced ourselves from the ideal community high school spirit that is portrayed in movies. 

This disengagement affects more than just the culture and fun of Northwest. It also affects our classroom performance. A study conducted by the Connecticut Association of Schools showed 92% of school principals feel that high spirit correlates with high student achievements. Additionally, the report tied school spirit to better academic performance, engagement and happiness. This suggests if we truly embody the Northwest spirit we will find more success in both our mental and scholastic future. 

As the current student body, we have the opportunity and responsibility to turn our spirit around, not only for us but for our younger siblings and friends. Future classes should be able to experience the stereotypical high school years in every wonderful way we did not. 

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It should not be embarrassing to participate in Spirit Week because going all out should be praised. It should not be embarrassing to participate in skits and assembly games because there is no shame in helping your class earn spirit points. It should not be embarrassing to have, and show, school spirit. 

At the end of the day, it really is up to us, the students. We entirely control the amount of spirit there is in our school because we control the culture around it. To obtain a relationship with your peers where you are all united under the same belief takes effort. We must make bonds with one another by showing respect for all interests and types of people. Everything from football to debate deserves an audience. Showing up for people makes them want to show up for you.

Show some school spirit Northwest, and we will make this year a great one.

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About the Contributor
Avery Sigg
Avery Sigg, Design Editor
​​Avery Sigg is a senior and Design Editor for “The Express.” This is her third year on staff as a designer. Outside of newspaper, Avery is involved in girl’s soccer, NHS and Quill & Scroll. In her free time she spends time with her family and friends, playing soccer, watching movies and traveling. Avery is excited to take on the role of being an Design Editor and enjoy her senior year!