Girls soccer defeats Olathe South during senior night

Zac Johnson, Entertainment Editor

The BVNW girls varsity soccer team defeated Olathe South in their senior night game, beating the Falcons 4-0.

The game started off slowly and there was relatively little action until senior Cierra Bryant scored and got the ball rolling for BVNW.

Her goal was followed by senior Cece Kizer’s, then senior Sophie Connor and finally again by Kizer.

The Falcons never were able to score on the Huskies despite the fact that senior Sarah Fugate filled in for the Huskies’ regular goalie, junior Kennedy Coffelt, for a good part of the game.

Head coach Rick Pribyl said he was glad to win, but is still focused on the rest of the season.

“I don’t think we played as well as we can, but we did good enough obviously,” Pribyl said. “Senior night is a pretty special night and a couple of our seniors came through with some goals, and that’s always fun.”

Kizer, who scored two out of the four goals for BVNW, said the team played well enough but not their best.

“I think we were a little tired the first half so we didn’t come out as strong as we wanted to,” Kizer said. “During the second half we got our stuff together though, and that’s when we got better. I love all these girls and overall there were a lot of tears shed, but in the end it was really fun and I’m glad we won.”