Goodbye, Alexander
Associate principal Tyler Alexander will be moving to BVSW for the upcoming school year.
Current associate principal of curriculum and Instruction Tyler Alexander will not return to BVNW next year
May 11, 2021
In an email sent to the Northwest community last week, Principal Amy Pressly announced that associate principal Tyler Alexander is leaving NW next year to begin working at Blue Valley Southwest as their assistant principal of curriculum and instruction.
During his six years at Northwest, he has held multiple positions including activities director and assistant principal. Alexander said he is looking forward to this new job opportunity.
“I’ve been at NW for about six years, so having done the job for several years I was looking to continue to grow my experiences,” Alexander said. “I’m looking to push myself and grow, [doing] the job in another setting and a different environment is part of it. I think it’s kinda unique to be able to go back to a place you helped start.”
Pressly said Alexander has left a great impact on the school and he will be greatly missed by the faculty.
“He has been very strong and helped us kind of strengthen our intervention program and helped kids that way,” Pressly said.
Alexander said he is excited to be able to use this opportunity to grow professionally.
“Professional learning is something I’m passionate about,” Alexander said. “With this role, [I will be helping] new [and] veteran teachers build themselves into the teachers they want to be.”
Pressly said that Alexander has helped students in many ways and he will be greatly missed.
“The class of 2019 would have been his [to sponsor] and then he stepped in and took on [the class of] 2020 after the seniors, but I think he’s been able to help us with all the things that go with teaching and making sure that kids are getting the content and getting the skills they need,” Pressly said.
For the next school year, activities director and assistant principal Andrew Addington will be taking up the position of associate principal at BVNW.
“Next year, I will move over to the assistant principal of curriculum and instruction which is a cool opportunity,” Addington said. “I get to work with our staff to make them feel like they are valued and feel that there is positive professional learning and growth for them as much as [for] the students,” Addington said.