Yearbook distribution scheduled
Students can pick up their yearbooks on July 28 in a drive-by format, according to Principal Amy Pressly In a decision made by the district, students will receive the yearbooks before the start of the school year.
Lauren Kauth, co-editor-in-chief of the 2020 yearbook, said that a decision to distribute the yearbook during the upcoming school year would mean this past school year’s senior editors would not be able to distribute. But, Kauth said, the decision to distribute on July 28 means every member of the yearbook staff, who is in town, can be present.
“I wouldn’t be able to go distribute the book because I’ll be at Nebraska next year and most of the other seniors wouldn’t be able to be there as well,” Kauth said. “I have a feeling [this decision] is for convenience as well as safety.”
The other 2020 yearbook co-editor-in-chief, Rose Yeganeh-Kazemi, said being under the initial impression that the yearbook would not be distributed till the fall was hard as she said her past two distribution days, or “d-days,” were amazing.
“I am very fortunate to have experienced two d-days. Both experiences for me had been amazing and it is really the best day of yearbook because you work so hard to produce a product, so to get to see people liking your work and looking through the book and signing your work and everything it is just such an amazing experience,” Yeganeh-Kazemi said.
When she learned that the d-day had been officially assigned for July 28, Yeganeh-Kazemi said she felt very happy and fortunate given that some other schools will still have to wait till fall.
Despite this, Yeganeh-Kazemi said she still felt upset because all of the activities that are usually a part of d-days would not be able to happen this year.
“We [got] to do all of these other activities like a staff sleepover and going to breakfast with each other and lunch with each other and really bonding on that day and so not being able to do those activities is really sad,” Yeganeh-Kazemi said.
As for what distribution will look like, Pressly said that although the plan is still being finalized, it will most likely resemble the book, laptop and equipment drop-off that happened earlier this month, except for the fact that students will not be allowed to leave their cars and go into the building.
Pressly said students will pull up in the drop-off circle and give their name to a yearbook staff member or a Blue Valley Northwest staff member who is volunteering. That person will then bring the student their yearbook.
Pressly said as health concerns are still a big factor, all volunteers will be required to wear masks and gloves as well as adhere to where the students want their yearbook to be placed; in their trunk, handed to them or in their back seat.
“The most important part is the continued health and safety of our students and staff,” Pressly said. We are excited to be able to distribute these items to students. However, students must follow the rules that are outlined as part of the pickup process.”
As for what Yeganeh-Kazemi is looking forward to most with d-day, she said it is simply seeing people react to the yearbook as well as seeing her former yearbook staff members again.
“I am really excited to see peoples’ reactions to the books, and I am also just really excited to see my yearbook kids,” Yeganeh-Kazemi said. “I have made so many bonds with the people on staff, I formed relationships with those people and I love those people so deeply that I can’t wait to see them.”
We will update this story and provide a more detailed description about distribution once it is made available.

Megan Yates is a senior and the 2021-2022 Editor-In-Chief of “The Express.” She previously served as a staff writer and as the News Editor. Outside of newspaper, she is a member of the girls’ basketball and soccer teams. She is also involved with Student Government, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Medical Club, KAY Club and Relay for Life. Megan’s favorite movies consist of classics such as “Talladega Nights” and “The Hangover.” Like most teenagers, Megan likes to hang out with friends, shop and bake cookies when stressed. Megan is ecstatic to serve as the EIC and hopes to continue to deliver high-quality journalism content to the Northwest community.