Foxes cause disturbances on school property
The Blue Valley School District is taking action in response to complaints about foxes on BVNW property.
Head soccer coach Rick Pribyl said he believes this soccer ball was chewed up by a fox.
October 6, 2014
Huskies are no longer the only animals associated with BVNW. Recently, foxes have been spotted outside of the school causing disturbances.
“I think the foxes are more of an annoyance,” lead daytime custodian Ronnie Goodson said. “I’ve only seen them running around; they don’t come up to us or anything.”
Goodson said he has seen foxes near BVNW and in Overland Park ever since he started working at the school 13 years ago.
“I never saw them as a problem,” Goodson said. “But recently it’s just been kind of crazy.”
Head soccer coach Rick Pribyl said he first became aware of the animals last spring.
“During the summer I spotted a few of [the foxes] personally,” Pribyl said, “One thing I’ve noticed is that we aren’t seeing very many rabbits and squirrels in the area anymore.”
The foxes have been digging holes throughout the fields, which Pribyl said is making them dangerous and hard for teams to practice on.
“[The foxes] are digging for the grubs under the soil because their food source has been eliminated,” Pribyl said. “They’ve just eaten away their old food source and now they’re trying hard to find a new one.”
Dan Carney, Blue Valley director of safety and security, said the district has started to set traps in locations they believe the foxes frequent. However, no foxes have been caught yet.
“The hard part is that we really don’t know where they’re coming from,” Carney said. “Some people have said that they might be coming from the storm drains, but there really hasn’t been enough evidence to back that up.”
Carney also stated that the district is working with animal control and other private organizations in order to solve the problem.
“We would really just like them to move on to another place,” Carney said, “Maybe one where it’s less likely they’d come in contact with students, like the woods near the [Blue Valley Rec complex].”
Carney said district employees are having to spend hours each day after school filling holes that have been dug in the fields.
“Students could really help by remembering to pick up their food and not just leaving it on the fields,” Carney said, “One of the reasons they’re staying is that there’s a food source somewhere.”
While the foxes are becoming an issue, Carney said it is important to remember what kind of animals they are and not blow it out of proportion.
“They aren’t grizzly bears,” Carney said. “I mean, I’m sure there are areas of the country that actually have to deal with those.”