Fire alarm sounded after school hours

Fireman rushed into the school after the fire alarm was sounded today at 3 pm.

Meredith Johnson, Copy Editor

At approximately 3 p.m. today, the fire alarm went off at BVNW, forcing everyone to evacuate the building.  Principal Amy Murphy said the fire alarm probably went off from a dirty vent on the roof of the building, but the administration still requires confirmation from the fire department.

In the initial stages of evacuation, students and faculty members gathered at designated fire drill locations.  Murphy said her first priority was to make sure all the kids were out of the building and everyone was safe.  Then, Murphy said she wanted to figure out what was going on.

At first it was unsure if the situation was serious or not.  Transition specialist, Sandy Persyn said she would guess that the fire alarm was pulled as a prank, but she did not know for sure. However, she said whether the fire was real or not, the student body and faculty were forced to remain outside the school.

“I can’t remember [when the last time a fire alarm went off after school,]” Persyn said. “I know we have unplanned fire drills, the staff do not know when we will have a fire drill, however, that would be during school hours.  It is unusual [that the fire alarm went off after school] which is why we [had] to verify that there was not a fire.”

Students were also distraught about the possibility of fire.  Many students decided to go home because it was after school hours.  However, others had to stay to get help from teachers or for after-school activities. 

“’I was in the middle of signing a yearbook [when the fire alarm went off,]” Junior Abby Lanphear said.  “I didn’t really want to leave the school, but Mrs. Dalley was like, ‘go’ so I was like ‘OK.’”

According to Lanphear, the teachers appeared calm.  Lanphear said she hoped there wasn’t an actual fire, because she had personal belongings left in the school.   

“I swear, if my painting that I worked on for a really long time [was] damaged, I [was] going to punch somebody,” Lanphear said.  “It’s a father’s day gift to my dad.”

After approximately 15 minutes outside, faculty members and students were allowed back into the building.  People generally resumed their activities with little issues.

The fire department confirmed to Murphy that no pull stations were pulled, therefore excluding the possibility a prank.  It is believed by Murphy that the fire alarm was caused by a dirty vent on the roof resulting from dust or paper. However, that is still to be confirmed by the fire department. Murphy said she is relieved that it wasn’t an actual fire and everyone is safe.

“Absolutely, [I’m glad that it was only a dirty vent],” Murphy said. “All we need is a fire right now.”