Setting up for success
Students adapt their workspaces to maximize productivity and enjoyment of learning
Junior Sam Stubenhofer studies for his AP United States History class at Café Equinox. “I study at Café Equinox for the environment of relaxation and serenity,” Stubenhofer said.
Despite the lack of teacher-to-student connection Junior Sam Stubenhofer said he is experiencing from school, he has found ways to enjoy his hybrid schooling experience, particularly through his workspace of choice: Cafe Equinox.
Stubenhofer said Cafe Equinox, located at 8424 Farley St. Overland Park, KAN. 66212, is connected to Family Tree Nursery which he said allows it to have a good environment for studying.
“I’ll go there to study, but also when I am feeling stressed I will walk around the building and see all the beautiful plants and I’ll use that to kind of relax myself,” Stubenhofer said.
When he is at Cafe Equinox, Stubenhofer said he has gotten into a routine of doing classwork in a chronological order, starting with his first hour and ending with his seventh.
“[Cafe Equinox is a] pretty chill environment, there are plants all around and there is natural light coming in so it just feels fresh and rejuvenating, especially if you have been trapped in one spot all day,” Stubenhofer said.
What sets Cafe Equinox apart from other study spots, according to Stubenhofer, is the feeling of freshness one experiences while there.
“If ever you are having a bad day to see all the plants and all the people who enjoy being there kind of lifts your spirit. Stubenhofer said. “But also you can get coffee and just get away from like where you do school most of the time and get some fresh air.”
Stubenhofer said he will continue to go to Cafe Equinox regardless of the version of school he is in for the remainder of his junior year, as he said it provides him a place to be relaxed while doing work.
“I feel if I’m on a set schedule, I get bored and then I’ll start not trying as much and so if I have that one place where I can just go there and relax and do schoolwork, I’ll be fine,” Stubenhofer said.

Similar to Stubenhofer, senior Caroline Flannagan said she makes online school more enjoyable by doing her work with friends and considers the highlight of her senior year.

“We choose to do [school together] to mix up the monotony of being at home and sitting in our rooms doing school by ourselves and to make it more fun and have the ability to see each other,” Flannagan said.
A typical day for Flannagan and her friends she said usually begins around 7:45 a.m. and always consists of making coffee or tea together. She said they go along with the school day schedule and spend their breaks eating together and hanging out.
“During lunch time we hang out and talk and laugh,” Flannagan said. “We’re all very studious so it definity is a time that we are getting our work done and since a lot of us are in similar classes we use that time to work together and ask each other questions.”
Senior Rachelle Jackson, one of the friends Flannagan works with, said working with friends has helped bring some normalcy to her school year, pointing out the social aspect of working with others.
“It can get pretty lonely when you are by yourself and not surrounded with other human beings,” Jackson said. “So it has been really nice to have that social interaction.”

Kathryn Case is a senior writer for “The Express.” She also is involved in volleyball for BVNW along with club volleyball. Kathryn loves to play with her dog and watch “The Vampire Diaries.” This year she plans to develop and grow her writing abilities. Her favorite activity is going out to eat and shopping with friends.

Megan Yates is a senior and the 2021-2022 Editor-In-Chief of “The Express.” She previously served as a staff writer and as the News Editor. Outside of newspaper, she is a member of the girls’ basketball and soccer teams. She is also involved with Student Government, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Medical Club, KAY Club and Relay for Life. Megan’s favorite movies consist of classics such as “Talladega Nights” and “The Hangover.” Like most teenagers, Megan likes to hang out with friends, shop and bake cookies when stressed. Megan is ecstatic to serve as the EIC and hopes to continue to deliver high-quality journalism content to the Northwest community.
Mitri Krishna is a senior and the Photo Quality Editor this year for “The Express." In her free time, she loves to spend time adventuring and finding new cool places to shoot portraits and look around. Also, she enjoys online shopping and relaxing. She has her own photography business, two years in the running and enjoys meeting new people. At school, she is also part of the BVNW tennis team and is happy to be a captain this year. Mitri wants to make the most of this year and have fun!