“lovely introduction”
A definite bop. Add this to your mood booster playlist. Now, this song was absolutely amazing all in part to how positive it began. LANY fans will be most obsessed with this song because it’s not only upbeat but the lyrics will make the listener feel relaxed and content. Spice. touches on how love is hard to find for anyone, a thing most teenagers can relate to. With spice.’s smooth vocals in combination with the chill background music, it sounds very similar to Khalid’s music.
“intentionally lonely”
It’s easy to tell this will be a mellow song from just glancing at the title, which is perfect for Spice.’s easygoing vocals. Spice. begins with a very quiet and almost depressing tone, but as the song goes on it begins to become upbeat as the background music becomes louder and upfront. The only downside with this song is Spice.’s lowered voice. It’s sometimes hard to understand his lyrics and the meaning.
With a similar message to Maroon 5’s “Cold” that came out in summer 2017, this song also goes on with the effects of having cold feelings toward someone a person was once super close to. The rhythm of the beats coordinates perfectly with the lyrics about this song having to do with having distant feelings toward a person. But similarly to Maroon 5’s “Cold,” the rhythm in the background brings an enthusiastic feeling to a topic people see as negative. The interlude of lyrics going into the steady rhythm are executed perfectly throughout this track.