Our guide to the best classic Christmas movies
I’ve done the work and compiled a list of the classic Holiday movies and now you know where to find your favorites this winter season!

Check out our list of the best Christmas movies and where to find them.
December 22, 2017
- 1. Elf
Everyone’s favorite Will Ferrell starring as Buddy the elf.
Category: Family
Where you can find it: Freeform
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 84%
- 2. Home Alone series
A child’s worst fear of being left behind, especially during the Holiday season comes true.
Category: Family
Where you can find it: HBO go
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 62%
- 3. The Santa Clause series
The perfect movies to get you in the Holiday spirit with wonderful sights of Santa’s workshop.
Category: Family
Where you can find it: Freeform, Netflix
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 75%
- 4. Dr Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Grinch
A childhood favorite book takes on a whole new level with Jim Carey as the Grinch.
Category: Family
Where you can find it: Freeform, Netflix
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 53%
- 5. Disney’s A Christmas Carol
The old time story transformed into an animated action packed film.
Category: Family
Where you can find it: Freeform
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 54%
- 6. The Polar Express
The best film to inspire the season of believing.
Category: Childrens
Where you can find it: Freeform,
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 55%
- 7. A Charlie Brown Christmas
An old time child classic that is still a favorite to this day.
Category: Childrens
Where you can find it: Amazon Video, ABC go
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 92%
- 8. Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer
An Olidie’ but a goodie’.
Category: Childrens
Where you can find it: Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 92%
- 9. The Legend of Frosty the Snowman
Your favorite as a child that still remains as a great film over the years.
Category: Childrens
Where you can find it: Freeform, Netflix
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 60%
- 10. The Nightmare before Christmas
A Christmas take on the Tim Burton’s Disney films.
Category: Childrens
Where you can find it: Freeform, Netflix
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 95%
- 11. Santa Claus is coming to town
An animated film depicting the story of how Santa Claus came to be.
Category: Childrens
Where you can find it: Freeform, Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 81%
- 12. A Christmas Story
“You’ll shoot your eye out,” is a must see each season.
Category: Classic
Where you can find it: Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 89%
- 13. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
Another Griswald adventure during the holiday season.
Category: Classic
Where you can find it: Freeform
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 64%
- 14. Miracle on 34th Street
A Christmas classic that remains a family favorite.
Category: Classic
Where you can find it: Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 96%
- 15. A White Christmas
A musical comedy that is a unique take on the ordinary Christmas movie.
Category: Classic
Where you can find it: Netflix
Rating by Rotten Tomato: N/A
- 16. It’s a Wonderful Life
One of the most loved films based on the short story “The Greatest Gift”.
Category: Classic
Where you can find it: Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 94%
- 17. Die Hard
An action packed thriller that takes place during the Christmas season.
Category: Classic
Where you can find it: Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 92%
- 18. Love Actually’
Nine intertwined stories make for the perfect scene for a Holiday romance.
Category: Romance
Where you can find it: Netflix
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 63%
- 19. Last Holiday
The talented Queen Latifah stars in a drama filled romance with a wonderful ending.
Category: Romance
Where you can find it: Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 55%
- 20. The Family Stone
Sarah Jessica Parker stars in a favorite Christmas romance film.
Category: Romance
Where you can find it: Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 52%
- 21. Bad Santa
American favorite comedy crime film.
Category: Comedy
Where you can find it: Netflix
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 78%
- 22. Four Christmases
Christmas can stand as a reminder for the flaws of your family, Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn attempt to accomplish a Christmas family free.
Category: Comedy
Where you can find it: Freeform
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 24%
- 23. Christmas with the Kranks
Ever wanted to skip the holidays all together? This is the unique perfect holiday comedy.
Category: Comedy
Where you can find it: Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 5%
- 24. Deck the Halls
A light-hearted comedy that strays away from the typical holiday movie.
Category: Comedy
Where you can find it: Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 6%
- 25. Fred Claus
This Christmas film takes a unique turn while telling the new tale of Santa Claus and his brother.
Category: Comedy
Where you can find it: Amazon Video
Rating by Rotten Tomato: 21%
*Ratings from rotten tomato
+Freeform https://freeform.go.com/25-days-of-christmas/schedule