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The official student media of Blue Valley Northwest High School


The official student media of Blue Valley Northwest High School


The official student media of Blue Valley Northwest High School




NOT a flat rate, ad runs in 1-3 issues

  • Full page: $200
  • Half page: $100
  • Quarter page: $50
  • Eighth page: $25
  • $.10 per insert for pre-printed material

$100 per 30 days online

  • Links to chosen website or to a coupon

Flat rate of $45 includes:

  • Three images or one fifteen second video (subject to review by editors)
  • Tagging your activity’s account in the description AND a comment written by you or a newspaper staff writer
  • Requested hashtags included (subject to review by editors)
  • Flexible times for posting

Optional Add-Ons:

  • $5 per additional image
  • $15 per additional fifteen second video

Flat rate of $25 includes:

  • One Tweet (subject to review by editors)
  • Tagging your activity’s account
  • Requested hashtags included (subject to review by editors)

Optional Add-On:

  • One attached image or link


Get in Touch

Interested in advertising in our print issue or online? Contact us here.

Only for print advertisements.
Only for print and online advertisements.
Max. file size: 15 MB.
Only for individuals designing their own advertisement. Insert your chosen design here.
Insert any website link or coupon you would like included in your advertisement.
Insert any other information or messages you would like included in your advertisement.

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The official student media of Blue Valley Northwest High School