Print editor Lauren Fischer
November 15, 2017
“This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things”
Swift is at peak pettiness in “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things,” calling out all of her “friends” who stabbed her in the back. The songs starts out fun, with Swift saying she was “feeling so Gatsby for that whole year” by hosting multiple parties, full of these fake friends. But when Swift is stabbed in the back, no one is safe from her passive aggressive lyrics and scolding through song. Swift writes that these backstabbers can’t have nice things “because you break them/I had to take them away,” scolding them like children. With all this savagery and calling out her haters, Swift, later in the song, thanks those who’ve stood by her through all the drama, showing that she’s in a better place now, with friends who aren’t just in it for the Gatsby-like parties. Swift almost thanks her fake friends for the sake of forgiveness, but breaks the song with sarcastic laughter, saying “I can’t even say it with a straight face!” Similar to “Shake It Off,” in this song Swift shows us she can move on from all the feuds and use all the conflicting drama to make herself a better, stronger person, and I’m beyond impressed and proud of her ability to do so.
“Gorgeous” offered me a break from the more intense songs on “reputation,” with its upbeat sounds and light hearted, playful lyrics. It tells the story of Swift seeing a random guy at a party and immediately crushing on him, mostly due to his fun personality and “ocean blue eyes.” The lyrics are playful and hilariously honest, with Swift mentioning her beloved cats, all the while describing her feelings towards this guy she just meet. These lyrics are something everyone who’s ever had a crush on someone can relate to. Swift writes “you make me so happy it turns back to sad,” knowing that this crush will never be more than that, yet it gives her a chance at fun, simple love, something she’s clearly been missing.
“Getaway Car”
Taylor Swift has always been a storyteller through her music, some of her most famous songs, such as Love Story being about her real relationships and feelings depicted through a made-up story. This story, however, is a bit more intense than than the old Taylor’s Romeo and Juliet fantasies. “Getaway Car” tells the story of two fugitives on the run, Swift being one of them. Swift knows this relationship is doomed from the very first line, “No, nothing good starts in a getaway car…” Despite this, the song kept me on the edge of my seat, with the suspenseful lyrics and catchy beat, plus a total plot twist at the end (you’ll have to listen to find out what happens). This song takes all the drama in a relationship and puts it in this getaway car within this “great escape.” The end of the song exposes what all went down within this setting, “I was crying in a getaway car/I was dying in a getaway car/Said ‘goodbye’ in a getaway car.” Swift again puts a different twist on the average love story, and left me dangling on every word.
Queen B • Nov 17, 2017 at 9:59 am
Great review!